Our Values

TT Italy Code of Business Ethics is our guiding framework to improve the governance of the company and to prevent misbehaviors. TT ITALY voluntarily adopted the Modello organizzativo, di gestione e di controllo aziendale and shall not tolerate any misconduct of workers, collaborators and suppliers, in compliance with the L. 231/2001.

1. Moral integrity and transparency:
The behavior and relationship of all the members, administrators, workers and collaborators of TT ITALY are based on principles of honesty, moral integrity, fairness, transparency and mutual respect.

2. Loyalty and trust:
TT ITALY acts with responsibility, by respecting the rules of the current laws and by behaving in good faith for any activity or decision.

3. Compliance with laws, rules and regulations:
The quality of the performance starts from the respect of the Italian law and of the foreign country, where TT ITALY intends to operate.

4. Confidentiality:
Proprietary and confidential information shall not be disclosed, also after the termination of the employment contract.

5. Respect of the dignity of a person:
TT ITALY respects the fundamental rights of a person, by protecting moral integrity and by guaranteeing equal opportunities.

6. Health protection and safety at work:
TT ITALY promotes a healthy working environment and strives for healthier and safer working conditions.

7. Environmental care and protection:
TT ITALY is committed to respecting the environment and enhancing a sustainable development of its territory.

8. Equality and respect of the human rights:
Training, career promotion and remuneration are based only on performance standards. TT ITALY provides adequate tools to employees and collaborators, considering their country of origin, age, gender and sexual orientation.

9. Impartiality and absence of conflicts of interest:
The employees and collaborators may not take any employment outside TT ITALY that might harm the company itself, nor may they use information for personal gain.

10. Protection and proper use of company assets:
Information, data and copyright shall not be disclosed to third parties or misused. TT ITALY is committed to adequate its IT structure to the regulatory changes.

Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.Lgs. 231/01

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